Reproducibility of Device Performance
A full-automated OLED VTE system is installed and customized, which ensures a high reproducibility of the device performance by eliminating the influence of contamination and human factors.
Full-automated OLED VTE system
Novel Crucible Design for Reproducible Deposition
We have developed a novel design VTE crucible that minimizes the run-to-run variation in the deposition thicknesses (within ±1 %) irrespective of the materials filling quantity.
Run-to-run tooling factors for OLED materials
Reproducibility of Run-to-Run Device Performance
The high thickness reproducibility leads to a high run-to-run JVL reproducibility.
Upper figure:Before regularization
Lower figure:After regularization
Reproducibility of Run-to-Run Device Lifetime
The duration of organic/metal deposition for each run is accurately regularized by the automation, leading to a high reproducibility of the run-to-run lifetime performance.
Upper figure:Pre-existing system(non-automation)
Lower figure:Full-automated system